Montag, 2. Juli 2012

Udacity - High School Challenge

Welcome to our Blog !! We're the Team Jusix!

I'm Yunnis Bouharoual and my Co-Leader is Julian Milosavljevic and we are the leaders from TeamJusix !

We both have a dream: to show that education knows no borders. To reach this we want to build the most international team and show that nothing can stop motivated and smart people from learning fascinating things ;)

 If you agree with our opinion help us to prove that we're right! Help us to build a big community and win this competition!

You can join us by entering this link:

We also have a Facebookgroup where our team members can communicate and motivate each other!
Here is the Link :

Our slogan : Help us to reach our dream and join the JusixTeam !!

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